Summer is in full swing and passing much too quickly. The kids have me going, going, going and I hardly have time to assess my condition. My hands, wrists and shoulders alternate in flares. Swimming has been wonderful and I have found some new aerobic and yoga classes that I LOVE. I do so much better when I stay active. Overall I feel that I am pulling off a great summer this year! As I watched fireworks this year on the 4th I had a flash back to last years fireworks...I could hardly pick myself off the ground afterward because I hurt so badly everywhere. I was filled with gratitude for my improvements and was motivated to keep fighting!
Life is good, not perfect by any means but good and I'll take that. I think the thing I struggle with most lately is reconnecting with myself. I feel like I have lost touch with who I am and what I enjoy doing. I think children have a lot to do with that. It has been a long time since I could make a decision based on what I would like to eat, watch, listen to, do, etc. Don't get me wrong, I would never change the fact that I am a mother. It's what I've always wanted to be. My children are my everything! They are making me into a better person. But what happens when they are grown and leave? Who am I then?
I am also realizing that I am a major people pleaser. I have always lived my life to please others, parents, teachers, friends, neighbors. It is hard for me to say "no" when that is what I really want to say. I make every decision with everybody else in mind and how this decision will effect them vs me. I can't even make a playlist on my ipod without thinking "what if so and so hears this? Would they approve?" When my husband and I go out to dinner I always say "Oh anything sounds good, I don't care, you choose." when in the back of my mind I always have somewhere I want to go. I know these are stupid little examples but they are bugging me lately. I have decided to make a list about things I truly like and enjoy. It has been harder than I thought. Wish me luck in my adventures of 'Finding Kelli'. Until then we'll take some advice from Finding Nemo and "just keep swimming, swimming, swimming" Things always work themselves out, right?